Spam and measures being taken
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#1: Spam and measures being taken Author: MartinLocation: South Yorkshire, UK PostPosted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 2:02 pm
Like everyone else, I've had my fill of the number of spam posts recently making it into the forum so I've been spending the past few days installing a few bits and pieces of code that should reduce the spam flood to a trickle over the next few days.

This is still very much code that needs to be tested and tweaked so please bear with me while I try to get it sorted out. If you notice a problem please could you email:
test (aT) snailsource (doT) com

and I'll check for problems..


#2:  Author: MartinLocation: South Yorkshire, UK PostPosted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 8:01 pm
I've been doing some bug testing today but with a little luck you should start noticing some improvements shortly..

The following changes have been enabled:

  • IpSpoof detection - Any spoofed IP addresses will stop the user from being able to register
  • Open Proxy use - Using an open proxy to hide your identity on an open/public site like this usually means you're up to no good so you'll be blocked.
  • Bot post prevention - Basically if you're a bot you'll get the preview page and not be able to submit a post
  • Harsher spamword list - spamwords have been tightened and will be detected in registrations, profiles, posts, and email addresses.

I am also considering banning the email domain as the number of bot spam posts from there is reaching stupid proportions. -> News & Updates

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