Doing some research for household cleaners components I found this web site:
Just select the maker and product and you have the chemicals on it.
Another point is that one of my customers is a Spanish Publicity Agency, they told me some makers have the same products in different countries with just a different name, some times just the product some times maker and product: Mr. Propper is Mr. Muscle, Frigo/Walls, etc...
Jose Adell
#12: Author: Martin, Location: South Yorkshire, UKPosted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 1:56 am Thanks for that info Jose... Your original post got held up due to the spam filter which I didn't spot till now... thanks for sharing though..
#13: Author: marine, Location: Lake Orion, MIPosted: Thu Sep 06, 2007 2:27 pm I see that many of you use isopropyl alcohol in your cleaning solution, and and I would like to add a word of caution.
While isopropyl alcohol works for quick cleaning of the printhead the alcohol does have one draw back. At first the alcohol dissolves the ink, but in a very short amount of time (as it evaporates) it will displace the water in any ink that it is in contact with which causes the ink to harden and become even more difficult to remove. This is bad news if the ink is hardening in the print head.
For a household solution with our ink I always recommend a weak ammonia solution (1 part ammonia to 4 parts water) and allow it to soak for several days, but only if our cleaning solution is not available.
Please note that the best solution is to purchase a cleaning solution from the manufacturer of your ink as ink chemistry plays a huge part in cleaning solution design.