Mooseman wrote:
I'm just wondering if the system they use will be the same as the Newer Epsons (i.e R220) that recognizes non-Epson chips and refuse to print? Will this also void the warranty if you attempt this?
And wasn't there some court ruling (in the US, of course) that manufacturers cannot force a buyer of a printer to buy their ink? I'm pretty sure there was a ruling in the late 90's where Epson (of course!) had a clause in their warranty that if you use non-Epson ink that it would void the warranty. It's like a car manufacturer forcing you to use their oil. As long as it's compatible, they can't do that.
Now, if the iP4200 will accept non-Canon carts, then this will not be an issue for a CIS since the auto-resetting chip would not allow the printer to go to empty. As far as the refilling crowd is concerned, a chip resetter should be available fairly soon. Heck, Best Buy and Staples now have them for Epson chips right next to the Epson carts and refill kits. Did a quick Google and eBay search and I couldn't find any.
Another thought... what about a hacked version of the Canon software? Sorta like the SSC Service Utility for Epsons? There's something to get those Russian programmers going!
ocular wrote:
Ideally installing a CIS onto OEM cartridges before allowing them to run dry would be the way to go? If warnings via the software are initiated as the cartridge is emptied, then installing a CIS from the beginning ( and never letting it run dry) should allow warranty to continue. I suppose we don't know for sure if the warnings are initiated by ink volume usage as well?
Installing a CIS into Canon OEM cartridges is not hard.
1. Seal the exit port. Remove all the paper covering from the top of the cartridge - can be difficult to remove, I use an emery wheel on a dremel.
2. Remove the Ball plug from the hole over the non - sponge chamber and fill the hole generously with silastic making it flush with the cartridge surface. Let it set.
3. The air maze over the sponge chamber ends in a larger hole. Thread this hole to allow a right angle spigot to be screwed and glued in so that tubing can be attached ( threaded spigot and tubing available from MIS). Fill in the surrounding air maze groove with glue. (There are some nice right angled connectors with neat silastic tubing sleeves that would push straight into this hole, but I haven't been able to source them.)
There you have a converted OEM cartridge, I have done this OEM BCI 3eBLK canon cartridges but not with the IP4200 cartridges. The IP4200 cartridges look to the same except for the LED on the end.
Prime the tubing from the CIS reservoir with ink and clamp before connecting tubing to cartridge. Connect tubing to the cartridge ( that has exit port sealed) Place a small needle (25G) into the silastic plug you created to allow air to bleed from the system when the ink flows into the cartridge. Unclamp one tube at a time and with the cartridge slightly lower than the reservoir and ink will flow. When full of ink withdraw the needle from the silastic plug. Do this to fill each cartridge in turn.
Happy CISing
ocular wrote:
Ideally installing a CIS onto OEM cartridges before allowing them to run dry would be the way to go? If warnings via the software are initiated as the cartridge is emptied, then installing a CIS from the beginning ( and never letting it run dry) should allow warranty to continue. I suppose we don't know for sure if the warnings are initiated by ink volume usage as well?
cdninkjetsupply wrote:
I do have CIS units available for the Epson R220
cdninkjetsupply wrote:
Sorry Martin, I agree that this is a canon forum and that my point was mis-placed.
I had merely been responding earlier posts from Mooseman and yourself from January - in this forum - on the R220.
moestevens wrote:
Martin, Tks for your time & Effort as moderator. I am considering the purchase of a new Canon 4200, but only if I have a running chance at converting it to a CIS. I tried to view the pictures of one of your conversions Hot Linked in your post of 7 Jun at 1129. I got an error. Could you check and see if it is good?
scotsblood wrote:
As the new owner of an ip4300 I was wondering whether there had been any real progress on a cis system for the latest pixma ranges?
I have seen a couple mentioned on ebay but cant seem to find any users to gain first hand experience.
Any news?
Martin wrote:
What I can tell you is that right now I have managed to create a bloody good self-build system that works brilliantly and that I intend to document properly but it's likely to be in the new year
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