Mooseman wrote:
I don't know how universal kits can work in different brands since each has their own method of transferring the ink to the paper.
Mooseman wrote:
I think you should get that air out. I think a bit of air needs to stay in the cart itself as a damper
but if the black line is almost all air, you might run the risk of using up what's in the cart itself and run the printer dry and ruin the head. Without ink, it could burn out the piezo "injectors".
Snailz wrote:
Mooseman wrote:
I think you should get that air out. I think a bit of air needs to stay in the cart itself as a damper
Yep... definitely... if you create a situation where there is NO air left in the reservoir to printhead loop, you end up creating a gravity fed freeflow that will slowly empty all your ink out into the printer (cue: horrified scream)
but if the black line is almost all air, you might run the risk of using up what's in the cart itself and run the printer dry and ruin the head. Without ink, it could burn out the piezo "injectors".
Agreed... A little air is all well and good but if the whole thing is empty you've probably overdone it and need to re-prime..
photomaniac wrote:
Anyone know if these kits can be had in the USA?
Snailz wrote:
photomaniac wrote:
Anyone know if these kits can be had in the USA?
If you're referring to the Nexxtech kits I couldn't tell you but in truth you might as well opt for an MIS associates kit as they are USA based and have a long established reputation..
photomaniac wrote:
If I do go for a premium CIS it would probably be from MIS or InkRepublic. I read your IR review but see you still prefer the MIS offering. I'm intrigued by the option to use the IR kit in so many printers (since sometimes the CFS/CISS lasts longer than the printer.) Do you feel the better support from MIS outweighs that advantage? Installation aside, how reliable has the IR CIS been for you over time?
Snailz wrote:
The prime issue I had, and still have, with IR is the lack of proper tube pathway planning or facilitation. Couple that with the fact that a number of printers do not hold the buffers in the correct orientation and you find that you have to create a solution yourself. On that basis alone I could see a lot of new users getting frustrated.
Next up, MIS have released a spongeless cartridge of their own which, whilst it's doesn't provide the same level of "easy clean" capability as the IR buffers, is a vast improvement. Additionally, the carts are compatible with a wide range of Epson printers from the R200/300 series to the C84-86 printers and even up to the R1800/2400's. The fact that these cartridges fit snugly, provide a far more stable base for organisation of the tubes (ie: a solid mount point for a clip to be glued) puts them beyond IR's offering in my opinion.
Granted there's not a lot in it and IR do have some other benefits such as excess tubing (MIS always cut it to a very stringent length that leaves no room for error), a storage box for better protection of the reservoirs, and use of video to demonstrate some aspects of installation. My money is still on MIS as a kit for someone who is a first timer or who simply wants something to work "out of the box".
As always though, your mileage may vary..
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