Jeff wrote:
1. I used little silicon gaskets provided by manufacturer to overcome a sealing issue with the Canon Printheads UNDERNEATH the rubber grommets in the Canon Printhead - the manufacturer had recommended installing beneath the Cartridge Head and the rubber grommett but I found the most leak prone spot was beneath the rubber grommett and the plastic print head body (from my i9950 experience).
2. I cut up 6mm plastic tubing from Hardware Shop into six 6mm lengths and used these between the Cartridge lever and cartridge body to maintain 'spring' in the levers to ensure they don't come lose (again from my i9950 experience).
4. I used Airconditioning Duct tape to attached the ribbon tubing to the metal bracket and to the body of the printer - the colour even matched the colour of the printer. This Tape is much more effective than the sticky foam stuff provided with CIS Units. It can easily be installed and uninstalled without worrying about degradation of performance
So I thoroughly recommend the Colorfly CIS 6-cartridge system and can verify the quality of their inks.
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