#1: Anyone here using 9to6.co.uk? Author: AlienSteve, Location: Tacoma, WA USAPosted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 8:25 pm I'm thinking of ordering ink and cartridges (going to build my own CIS).
I have a wholesale source from China, but there's a huge language barrier and although the prices are very low, there seems to be a $200 minimum order. Or at least the two quotes I've asked for, in both the shipping price was bumped up to make the total come to $200.
So I saw a link in an email here to http://www.9to6.co.uk and although naturally the prices are higher, I don't have the minimum order to contend with and native English speakers.
Anyone here used them? Anyone here ordered to North America?
#2: Author: Martin, Location: South Yorkshire, UKPosted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 12:21 am I've used them for Epson C86 and D88 autoreset chips that seem to work ok..
There was some confusion at one point regarding pricing and I'll be honest I don't trust their website further than I could spit but they were happy to provide me with a quote and a paypal link so I sorted it that way.
Goods arrived quickly and with minimal fuss beyond that..
Oh and I'm based in the UK if that wasn't already obvious..
#3: Author: Peter_G, Location: Hertfordshire, UKPosted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 8:30 am Have you investigated http://printonadime.com/. Lots of useful stuff at good prices and located in U.S. as well.
Emery Nelson runs the business, and he is a most helpful and pleasant character. He stocks refillable carts with 10% to 90% autoreset chips on board for 6US$ each. I bought a set for my new R220, and they seem fine both as refillables and for conversion to CISS. You could do a lot worse!!
#4: Author: AlienSteve, Location: Tacoma, WA USAPosted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 6:49 am $7 a cart, but I shouldn't nit pick over a dollar. Hey, $55 for an entire empty CIS!
Sigh... too bad my wholesale source has such a high minimum. I think it was $18 for an entire CIS.