Troubleshooting test list
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[/[Print]\] -> CIS systems

#1: Troubleshooting test list Author: MartinLocation: South Yorkshire, UK PostPosted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 11:09 pm
This is actually something more for my own reference but when it comes to building, installing and then running a CIS there are a few key things that you need to check to find a problem.

  • Blockages:

    • Cartridge exit port
    • Cartridge input port/connector
    • Tubing
    • Reservoir connector
    • Reservoir input port
    • Tubing clips? - favourite of mine: leaving the tube clips on the tubing.

  • Leaks:

    • Cartridge (normal vent open?)
    • Cartridge exit port (any chips, dints or damage that would let air in?)
    • Printhead/Cartridge seals (to exit port) - especially important on Canon Pixma printers
    • Tubing to connectors (cartridge and reservoir ends)
    • Connectors to cartridge
    • Connectors to reservoir
    • Reservoir
    • Reservoir dip tubing (has it fallen off in the bottle?)

#2: Symptom -> possible causes Author: MartinLocation: South Yorkshire, UK PostPosted: Tue Dec 19, 2006 2:11 pm
Having fought with a few things this past 2 weeks I figured it's worth making a note of a few specific symptoms and the possible causes to run down to find the problem:

Print output starts to fade and eventually fades to nothing (ie: no print) for a specific colour

Possible Causes:
  • Vent hole missing or blocked at reservoir end
  • Tubing clamped or kinked (stopping ink flow)
  • Tape or other obstruction over cartridge exit port (more likely cause if you've just replaced a cartridge and ink output last a few lines only)
  • Foam build up blocking ink flow through exit port (sponge carts only)
  • Wrong or poor ink quality causing blockages **
  • Poor contact between receiver post and cartridge foam (Canon printer only)

** you can confirm this by checking the printhead isn't showing symptoms of blockage.. Also try a clean printhead or one known to work, different batch of ink, etc...

Print output shows strange banding (ie: starts solid then fades to end of left right motion then starts next band as solid and repeats)

Possible Causes:
  • Tubing slightly kinked
  • Printhead to cartridge seal ocluded or poor (ie: printing causes vaccum pressure that pulls air for part of print instead of ink)
  • Tubing too thin for ink to flow sufficiently quickly to replace ink used in printing process
  • ... basically anything that could reduce ink flow effectiveness -> CIS systems

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