[REWARD] Document your printer waste ink installation
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ContinuousInk.info -> Waste Ink Tank Support

#1: [REWARD] Document your printer waste ink installation Author: MartinLocation: South Yorkshire, UK PostPosted: Wed May 07, 2008 9:25 pm
This offer is open to anyone who is intending to purchase or who has already purchased kit for a printer that is not currently included in our list of "supported" printers.

You would need to be technically confident, competent and willing/able, so this isn't something for everyone.

The quid pro quo is:
  • You take photos and/or video of the process of accessing your waste ink tubes and fitting the kit
  • I refund a minimum of half the cost of your kit
    I provide a coupon to the equivalent value on the OctoInkjet web shop

There is no limit to the number of printers you could do this for but there are some obvious requirements:
  • Photos/Video needs to illustrate installation for a "wanted" or "unknown" printer.
  • Need to be appropriate (no porn, etc..)
  • Copyright free (ie: given freely and without restriction or limitation)
  • Your own work (please, no passing off other peoples work)
  • Clear and of sufficient detail (in focus, etc..)
  • Cover the whole process sufficiently to be of use

There may be some instances where additional images for existing printers would be appropriate or sought, in which case I'll consider a credit coupon at my discretion.

Note: Installing a kit on a printer that has limited, if any instructions involves a level of risk and requires a certain level of technical knowledge and skill. I wouldn't recommend this for anyone who like my fiancée tends to do more damage than repair when "fixing" things.

ContinuousInk.info -> Waste Ink Tank Support

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