skdsdd12 wrote:
HI all dony know if anyone can help... i have epson r265 printer fitted with ciss system which had been working/flowing fine.... NOW THOUGH the black wont flow at all therefore rest of inks are lower.
skdsdd12 wrote:
hi martin thanks for your response... as i had said had been workin perfectly, how do i draw ink through the cartridge as you explained though? have myself tried blowing down the ink reservoir bottle to push the black down but ended up with a black mouth from
jokskot wrote:
If anyone needs the Adjustment program to reset the Waste counter, I have a copy and the access code supplied by Epson for the R270, whch seems to operate OK though it currently tells me that my printer does not need resetting. If anyone wants a copy, please ask.
jokskot wrote:
Finally, I am using Martin's aluminised bag to collect the waste which I use as black ink - it's sometimes a bit grey but adequate for my (internal) printing purposes. If it gets wet on the paper you get some chromatographic separation of the constituent dyes!
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