Pmaartense wrote:
sorry for the typos;
No worries... just thought I'd mention it to save on head scratching
what happened is that the CIS cartridges leaked and therefore all the ink ended up in the printer...
So, when you said 200ml you really mean't it... Not much fun then...
I see a pad under the Printhead that is for spilt ink, and this one must be full by now 
I wouldn't be quite so sure but it won't have helped it that's certain.
also some smears on the back of paper ( some of the paper guidance roller are dirty as well) therefore I am looking for a kind of cleaning guide.
Or will bring the printer to canon for a cleanup.
I could offer some suggestions but I think the smartest move with this would be to get you to go over to forum and provide the folks over there with a detailed account of your problem along with a few pictures of the inside of your printer. I suspect the folks over there can provide more help than the still small community on here can, or at least a faster response.. Check back though and let us know how you make out.
As to contacting Canon I suspect you'll hit a few questions regarding the use of a CIS and they may decide it's a non-warranty issue.. If you do go that route I'd recommend giving them as little information as possible (ie: "I found it like this.. yes I have kids" type).
Best of luck...
Printers: (Canon) MP500/830, MX700, iP4000/4200/4300/4500/5200, iX4000(A3) (Epson) C84/86, D88, CX6600, R285/800/1900 (HP) K550, K850, K5400, L7680