Hi Jensieboy,
Think you can forget any support from Everest, once they have sold you a system and the so called warranty period has expired they just dont want to know. I know from personal experience.

Good news is that you now have 125+ people aware of your difficulties.
Your symptoms are very strange I'll admit, so that's why I suggested you go right back to square one so at least you know where you started from!! Of course it might be that your cleaning cycle pulled some trapped air bubbles into the piezo head, because the flow rate when cleaning will be
very much greater than when printing. If that is so, then all my deliberations are so much prattle, but here goes anyway.
To answer your questions, a pair of small needle nosed pliers would probably be fine enough for the reservoir end, but you might need something even finer for the other end if the connections are recessed as they are on my T007 & T008 cartridges. I think I used a pair of cocktail sticks when I did mine. Don't be tempted to just pull the tube, as that just makes it grip the barb fitting tighter, just try to ease the end back a little at a time - be patient. Remember that you can always trim 2 or 3mm of each of the tubes if any of them get a bit mangled in the process. In fact it is probably a good idea to do that anyway to make sure of a gastight joint when you reassemble.
I'm sure it is fine to re-use inks if they have not deteriorated (algae or some other deposit causing your blockage?), but I must admit that I am still trying to think of a sensible way to filter the inks. It did cross my mind that the earlier Epson cartridges for my 890 incorporated a filter in the bottom, so if you could find one of those (T007 preferably, as this is the single black cartridge) remove the top and the internal sponge (very messy, so wear some disposable gloves!) and use that.
Fill with your suspect ink, and then pull it through the filter with a syringe. This will need to open the poppet valve on the cartridge and provide a path for the ink, so carefully cut a small nick in the extreme tip to allow the ink to flow in whatever angle it makes to the poppet valve..
This will be a time consuming process as the cartridge will only hold about 12 - 15ml, and like as not quite messy, as the cartridge and syringe will have to be thoroughly cleaned for each new ink colour. Force water back through the filter into the cartridge to wash out any trapped crud.
If you can't get hold of a T007, I am at a bit of a loss as to an alternative filter. Metal mesh will probably be much too coarse, and filter paper will absorb a lot of precious ink but might be the next best option.
Whatever path you choose to follow, I dont think that you should need to change any of the CIS hardware, as this can be cleaned and disinfected if you so wish.
Good luck
Last edited by Peter_G on Mon Oct 09, 2006 11:10 pm; edited 1 time in total