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CIS Solution Epson R1800
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Post CIS Solution Epson R1800 
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After reviewing endless message boards, with much inconclusive information I stumbled upon this small niche of the net -- thank God. My situation is simple; we are a small business (10-12 employees) and we have just purchased a Epson Stylus Photo R1800 and are looking for inking solutions. Our usage is about 100 pages a week, 75% of which are color and 25% black and white. I have read through some of the articles and there obviously is knowledgeable people on this site and I will appreciate any response.

I have two specific question:

1. What is the best CIS solution for us. Lyson, MIS, Media Street, Inkrepublic.

2. What kind of Ink. 75% of the time we print out conceptual graphics whereas photo correct colors are not an issue. There are times that we do photo boards and clients ask for a reduced set. (30 x 42 reduced to 11 x 17)

My Concerns:

1. Ink Clogging or Damaging the head.

2. Color profiles -- not a must but would be nice for photoshop and illustrator

3. How many times a month should I run a self cleaning page (if such a option exist, I am not sure)

4. LEAKING Dye or Pigment

5. Air bubbles

6. All in all I am looking for stability so that I will not have to troubleshoot this thing every week.

Thank you,
Cory Silva

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