Because I was getting my ink from Staples, I was pretty much at their stocking policies' mercy. The last time I needed a supply, they were out. Rather than wait and see (watching my own stockpile shrink in the face of my needs) I went online for a more 'reliable' source.
That's the possible cause, here's the actual symptom:
I use black the most, printing mostly text. So the Black from my new supplier was the first to go in. Since around that time, the printer will go one full page (single side) and then throw up a 'Replace incompatible or faulty *** ink cartridge' message for all 4 colors. I power off, back on and all is well. (aside from my print queue resetting to the SAME page it just printed, so I cannot progress.)
Did my half-a$$ed change in ink cause this? Or was it a coincidence with a chip problem with the cartridges?
I can replace with HP cartridges and all prints perfectly, so I don't think it's the printer.
ANY help would be appreciated.