I've noticed that in one or two of my test printers the waste ink pump system in the Epson printers can pump air as well as ink into the bags so it's actually a good idea to use the vent fitting (the spare nozzle) to vent the air out of the bag on a periodical basis.
The easiest way to do this is to:
- put a small pad of tissue under the tube to bag connector
- carefully unscrew the connector from the valve allowing the tissue to catch any drips.
- elevate the bag so you hold the bag by the valve, fit the vent fitting and then gently press the bag to vent the air out.
- Obviously be very careful not to squeeze too hard, or quickly, as an ink fountain would result.
- You may want to consider rubber gloves and a bit more tissue around the valve to catch any bubbling ink or spillage in case of accidents.
- After venting you should be able to re-attach the bag as before.
Regular checking of the bag is advisable regardless of whether this issue appears or not.
Printers: (Canon) MP500/830, MX700, iP4000/4200/4300/4500/5200, iX4000(A3) (Epson) C84/86, D88, CX6600, R285/800/1900 (HP) K550, K850, K5400, L7680